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Telefonieren Sie mit Ava

Ab jetzt ist unsere digitale Assistentin auch telefonisch für Sie rund um die Uhr verfügbar und hilft bei allen Fragen.

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Onboarding System

Lernen Sie unser Onboarding System kennen und lassen Sie sich von unserem umfangreichen Funktionen überraschen.

Zu LëtzOnboard



Lernen Sie spielerisch Ihre Lerneinheiten. Messen Sie sich mit Gegnern im Highscore und nutzen Sie wertvolle Lernmethoden.

Zu LëtzQuiz

Our Systems


Our customised onboarding system with contemporary didactics & automation in the AI area


Learn your course content in a fun way and compete with your colleagues in the high score.


Our customised learning portal with contemporary didactics & automation in the AI area


Our customised onboarding system with contemporary didactics & automation in the AI area


Learn your course content in a fun way and compete with your colleagues in the high score.


Our customised learning portal with contemporary didactics & automation in the AI area

Why YOUNEA is the ideal partner for adult education?

Industry-leading expertise

YOUNEA has extensive experience and expertise in the field of corporate solutions for onboarding, adult education and training platforms.

Customised solutions

We offer customised solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs and requirements of your company.

Innovative technology

Using state-of-the-art technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, we offer innovative solutions that drive your business forward.

Maximised employee development

With our support, you can maximise employee development in your company. By enabling your employees to realise their full potential, we increase productivity and promote the long-term growth of your company.

User friendliness

Our platforms are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive to ensure a smooth user experience and encourage employee adoption.


YOUNEA offers flexible solutions that can be adapted to the changing requirements of your company so that you are always up to date.

Optimised use of resources

By using AI automation and efficient processes, we optimise your use of resources, reduce workloads and allow you to focus on strategic tasks.

Partnership approach

We see our customers as partners and strive for long-term relationships by helping them to achieve their goals and be successful.

Continuous further development

YOUNEA continuously invests in the further development of our products and services to ensure that you always benefit from the latest innovations.

Success-orientated thinking

We are committed to promoting your success and helping you achieve your business goals by providing you with first-class solutions and support.

Would you like a system demo – online or on-site?

Discover our platform and our QuizApp and the added value for your company – complete and free of charge! Training new employees is often a costly affair. We know how important it is to optimise this process in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency. That’s why we invite you to explore our system at no cost. Find out how our solutions are tailor-made to meet your requirements and optimise your workflows.

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