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Zu LëtzChat

Ava LëtzTalk

Telefonieren Sie mit Ava

Ab jetzt ist unsere digitale Assistentin auch telefonisch für Sie rund um die Uhr verfügbar und hilft bei allen Fragen.

Zu LëtzTalk



Onboarding System

Lernen Sie unser Onboarding System kennen und lassen Sie sich von unserem umfangreichen Funktionen überraschen.

Zu LëtzOnboard



Lernen Sie spielerisch Ihre Lerneinheiten. Messen Sie sich mit Gegnern im Highscore und nutzen Sie wertvolle Lernmethoden.

Zu LëtzQuiz


The learning platform in adult education

With YOUNEA, you can prepare your specialised knowledge on a modern learning platform and make your courses accessible worldwide.

Whether you are an educational institution or an individual entrepreneur.

LëtzLearn enables you to digitise knowledge effectively and playfully and make it accessible to a global audience. Take the opportunity to transform your expertise into exciting online courses that are available anywhere, anytime. Expand your reach through multilingualism and give other people the opportunity to learn with and from you.

With YOUNEA, you can prepare your specialised knowledge on a modern learning platform and make your courses accessible worldwide.

Whether you are an educational institution or an individual entrepreneur.

LëtzLearn enables you to digitise knowledge effectively and playfully and make it accessible to a global audience. Take the opportunity to transform your expertise into exciting online courses that are available anywhere, anytime. Expand your reach through multilingualism and give other people the opportunity to learn with and from you.

Some didactics of the learning portal

Interactive content
Voice memos
Learning controls

Would you like more information about LëtzLearn?

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